we partner Iraq và với giao diện đẹp, độc đáo, sáng tạo. and iom.int and Xây dựng Nhân đạt and thu mua phe lieu gia cao and other partner and organizations and Khử trùng xanh and https://jes.edu.vn/12-thi-trong-tieng-anh-cong-thuc-dau-hieu-nhan-biet and others partners

Distance between Iran and Australia

Distance between Iran and Australia

How far is Iran from Australia?


The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Australia and Iran is 10,621 km= 6,600 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Australia to Iran, It takes 11.78 hours to arrive.


Time Difference & Current local time

Time Difference -7:30 hours




Irag time is Australia ahead of Irag time by 7:30 hour.

Current time in Iraq: Thu, Mar 12, 2020 4:30 PM

Current time in Australia: Thu, Mar 12, 2020 11:00 PM


How to send money to Iraq from Australia


Western Union will allow you to make transactions between Australia and Iraq. The Iraqi dinar is an exotic currency, making it difficult to find other services to conduct the transaction for you.

The following is a list of financial institutions that may permit you to conduct transfers from the Australian dollar to the Iraqi dinar:

  • Citibank. As a worldwide bank, you can transfer money from your Australian Citibank account to any account in Iraq using the Citibank Plus Transaction account.
  • Western Union. Western Union is the most direct service for transferring money from Australia to Iraq. They allow you to conduct transactions online, or you can find a location by using their store locator.